Could computers match relevant people based on Big Social Data?


Welcome to workshop at ECSCW 2017

Social matching is a ubiquitous human activity that frequently takes place in many areas of life. Professionally, matching relates to recruitment, team formation, and finding stakeholders and collaborators, and in leisure, it is relevant in finding a partner and identifying suitable people for collaborative leisure activities.

The existing social matchmaking applications tend to be overly simplistic, do not consider contextual factors, and are based on manually inputted data that remains on abstract level. Importantly, the algorithms are based on similarity rather than supporting finding connections to people that are outside our current social networks and professional domains.

We claim that a combination of Big Social Data, theory informed social analytics, Machine Learning, and Visual Analytics can be used to develop novel tools to support matchmaking. In this workshop, we call for interdisciplinary discourse on social matchmaking that considers requirements emerging from users and the human life at large.

Important dates

Submissions due: 15th June 2017  29 June 2017

Notifications sent: 1st July 2017

Workshop: Saturday, Mon 28th Aug 2017

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